Christmas Eve & Day Services
Christmas Eve, 3 pm, Rite II
The nativity story through carols, prayers, and Holy Communion. Perfect for families with young children. Held in the Auditorium.
Christmas Eve, 5 pm, Rite II
Traditional choral service with procession to creche & Holy Communion. Handbell prelude at 4:30 pm. Livestreamed.
Christmas Eve, 7:30 pm, Rite I
Traditional choral service with Holy Communion.
Christmas Eve, 11 pm, Rite I
Traditional choral service with Holy Communion. Organ prelude at 10:30 pm. Livestreamed.
Christmas Day, 12 pm, Rite I
Celebrate our Lord’s birth with a traditional choral service with Holy Communion. Livestreamed.
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Services are held in the nave unless otherwise noted.