Church Blog
The Gift of Childhood

This coming Sunday we will celebrate the ongoing connection between Grace Church and Grace School through our annual Grace School Sunday! While the two entities function independently in many ways, we also share our Episcopal identity, our…

God in the Space Between Us

I have (already) called you friends!   It is hard to believe that 8 weeks have passed since I wrote those words to you and nearly 6 weeks since I began at Grace as Bridge Rector. It has been a joy to enter into the continually unfoldin…

Church Blog
The Wisdom of Christ: Part Two

In last week’s reflection, I wrote about the gift of our spiritual practices as a means to presence the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I invited you to consider what spiritual practices are most meaningful to you. What did you notice about your…

Church Blog
The Wisdom of Christ, Part 1

Do not be conformed to this world, rather be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may determine what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and mature. (Romans: 12:2)   In last week’s reflection, I shared som…

Church Blog
Weekly Clergy Letter from Mother Abbott

“Where does God reliably show up in the here and now of your congregation?”   I love this question posed in the book, Vital Christian Community: Twelve Characteristics of Healthy Congregations. As the reflective prompt,…

Church Blog
From the Assistant Rector, Mother Emma

Welcome back, my friends! To those who came to Shrine Mont last weekend, welcome back to northern Virginia. To those who haven’t been to church since COVID or are just discovering our livestreams, welcome back. To those who decided to renew…

Church Blog
Weekly Clergy Letter from Mother Abbott

On Tuesday, I arrived at Grace for my “first day of school.” I’ve been wholeheartedly welcomed by staff and the few parishioners I’ve encountered as I’ve walked the halls, and I’m looking forward to more introductions this weekend at Shrine…

The Gospel According to Transitions by Father Santiago

Transitions in life, whether big or small, are a constant in our journey. Whether it’s a major move, starting a new job, welcoming a newborn, or losing a loved one, we all face moments of change that challenge and shape us. Our faith provid…

A Message from Mother Jenny 8.23.24

Saying “thank you” is the easy part.  Returning to Grace to serve as your Priest Locum Tenens was an opportunity I had never expected and has been a gift.  Re-establishing pastoral relationships with many of you and making new one…

Church Blog
Musings from Mother Jenny 8.16.2024

Next week I will thank you for our time together. This week the reality of leaving hangs heavy. Here’s what I will miss:   Walks to the river The distant view of the US Capitol Watching airplanes descend toward National Airport Elmo’s,…

A Message from Mother Jenny 08.09.2024

This coming Monday evening, August 12, those of us who are able, will gather at 7:00pm in the nave of Grace Church for a Service of Healing.  The lights will be dimmed, candles lit, the choir will sing, scripture will be read, a h…

Musings from Mother Jenny 08.02.2024

Question: Does anyone know what they are planning to do with the large three-story brick office buildings on North Fairfax and 2nd Street in North Old Town? I’ve been watching the gradual deconstruction of these buildings for months and am…

Musings from Mother Jenny 07.26.2024

In 1974 my twenty-year-old self was madly in love, planning her wedding and oblivious to the upheaval happening in the Episcopal Church. The fact that eleven trailblazing women, remembered today as the Philadelphia Eleven, and three retired…

A Message from Mother Jenny 07.19.2024

The title of John O’Donohue’s book, To Bless the Space Between Us, has inspired me to design our upcoming Monday evening summer vesper series around two things. The first is to bless.   To bless, as I am coming to understand it more fu…

Musings from Mother Jenny 07.12.2024

To vacation at Capon Springs in West Virginia is to step back in time where window box fans substitute for air-conditioning; shuffle board, badminton, horse shoes, board games and bingo are pastimes. Hammocks, rocking chairs, a spring fed s…

From the Assistant Rector, Mother Emma 07.05.2024

Dear Friends in Christ,   As many of you know, I spent last week on a mission trip with some of our high school youth. I preached about the trip on Sunday (click here to view sermon), but as I’ve caught up on my sleep, my reflections c…

Musings from Mother Jenny 06.28.2024

Although I’m grateful to have an apartment near Grace Church, living in two places can be stressful. Doing mental gymnastics every week to make sure I don’t forget anything, this week the inevitable happened. In my haste to get ahead of tra…

A Message from Mother Jenny 06.21.2024

The process of discernment is unfolding. We have bared our souls and been vulnerable with one another. We have named the elephants in the room. We are facing our fears. We are imagining a way forward but we still do not—still cannot—know pr…

Musings from Mother Jenny 06.14.2024

A Lesson from our Garden   As a novice gardener, it has taken me several years to more fully understand how to best care for perennials. Take for example the large Bigleaf hydrangea at the back of our yard. Even though the toughness of…

Musings from Mother Jenny 06.06.2024

On my walk by the Potomac River this morning I was accompanied by a gaggle of eight Canadian geese who were floating near the shore. I greeted them as God’s creatures and then picking up my pace, continue on the path.   Coming to my fa…

Musings from Mother Jenny 05.31.2024

One of the things I enjoy about being home in Richmond for part of each week is lingering over morning coffee with Joe. Outside on our garden patio, we call this our “ritual of connection” and there’s no telling what will come up in our con…

Musings from Mother Jenny 05.24.2024

For the past seven months, I have driven the same route every single time I go from my apartment in North Old Town to Grace Church. This route is easy. I don’t have to think about which turns to make. There’s never any traffic.   That…

Musings by Mother Jenny 05.17.2024

Right now, I am staring out the window onto our backyard wondering what words I could offer that would be spiritually uplifting for you. A week of caregiving for my husband after knee replacement surgery has muddled my thinking. Coordinatin…

Musings from Mother Jenny 05.10.2024

In his Reflections on the Unknowable, Thomas Keating says that powerlessness is our greatest treasure. He encourages us not to try to get rid of our feelings of powerlessness or inadequacy even though everything in us desperately tries to d…

A Message from Mother Jenny 05.03.2024

Before we bless and send forth our seminarians on Sunday, I want to use this opportunity to thank them, their Supervisors and their Lay Committees for their time, energy and commitment to Grace’s long-standing partnership with Virginia Semi…

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