Ways to Give

Gifts of time, talent, and money to Grace Church help define what the church can do with what God has provided and to be caretakers of the kingdom. Prayerfully consider how you might contribute to the ministries of Grace Church.

Electronic Giving

One way to give to Grace is through electronic giving. All contributions may be made via Tithely. Parishioners also have the option of giving via their Breeze account.  Both of these options offer the convenience of having your contributions deducted from your checking account or credit card. Through these online platforms, you can set up and edit a recurring donation, make a one-time donation, and view your online donation history.



Online giving transactions fees are typically 1% for ACH Bank Transfers and 2.9% for Credit Card giving. Please consider covering these processing fees to ensure your full donation is available to support our mission.


Donation Allocation Options

Donations can be made to the general church operating fund or to a Designated Fund. Over 80% of Grace’s operating budget is funded by general fund gifts of Pledge or Non-Pledge donations. Designated fund gifts can only be used for a specific purpose (e.g., a donation to the Flower Fund is only used for flower related expenses). 

Additional Online Giving Info


Tithe.ly (available to all)

Helpful FAQs:

How do I Edit my Recurring Donation?

How do I Change my Payment Method?

My recurring gift failed, what do I do?


Breeze (available to Parishioners Only)

You must have a Breeze account (our parishioner database and online directory) to access this method of giving.  Click here for Breeze Info.


Have additional questions? 

If you have additional questions concerning the completion of the form or any other matter concerning electronic giving, please contact the finance team at giving@gracealex.org 

Other Ways to Give

In addition to online giving through Tithley and Breeze, we also offer the following ways to give:


Some members of Grace Church use the plate offering for contributing checks. Cash donations also can be recorded through the use of cash contribution envelopes found in the pews. Please write on the envelope your name, donation amount, and purpose (i.e. pledge donation). If you would like a set of offering envelopes mailed to your home, please contact the church office.

Most banks offer free bill paying services. Forgot your check? That is no longer a problem – you can set-up an automatic bill payment from your personal checking account and edit automatic payments at any time.


Bank payments should be made payable to:

Grace Episcopal Church

3601 Russell Road

Alexandria, VA

We accept donations of stocks and/or securities. To donate stocks or securities, please contact giving@gracealex.org for instructions on making the transfer to our account.

Parishioners who are 72 years of age or older may obtain a tax benefit if their contributions are directed from an IRA. Instead of taking a required minimum distribution (RMD), a payment to Grace may be made directly from the IRA, and for amounts up to $100,000, the distribution is tax-free but counts toward the RMD. (There is no tax deduction for the contribution, but the amount is excluded from federal taxable income.)


This contribution can be made at any time of the year. To make such a gift, please instruct the custodian of the IRA to make a direct transfer to Grace. Consult your tax advisor for more information and advice about the benefits of this giving technique.

Giving Statements

Contributors whose information has been provided to the church receive quarterly Contribution Statements suitable for tax purposes via email. If you have any questions about giving statements, please contact giving@gracealex.org.


Our church is a place where you will be loved dearly, challenged to grow in God’s word and encouraged to join others in service to those in need. 

Worshipping at Grace for twenty years, the Chiows explain how important the Grace community has been to their family and the importance of giving as one of the rewards.

Worshipping at Grace for over ten years, serving overseas and returning to Grace each time, the Pattarini family members each share what Grace means to them and why giving is integral to continuing those experiences.

Worshipping at Grace for forty years, the Berrys share their enthusiasm for the youth programs and the importance of giving to rebuild our many parish communities as the Covid restrictions begin to ease.

Grace Trust & Planned Giving

Our church is a place where you will be loved dearly, challenged to grow in God’s word and encouraged to join others in service to those in need. 

About Grace Trust

Established in 2000, the Trust Fund of Grace Episcopal Church serves as a means for parishioners and others to make longer-term financial commitments to the church’s future. This general endowment fund supports the church and the school, aiding in capital acquisitions, major maintenance projects, and outreach. Contributions to the Trust can be made through various methods including planned giving, estate planning, and bequests. For more information, contact the stewardship chairs.

Understanding Planned Giving

Planned giving is a thoughtful approach to estate planning, enabling you to make significant contributions to organizations that matter to you, like Grace Episcopal Church. Unlike immediate gifts, such as cash for annual pledges, it typically involves including the church in your will, offering a lasting legacy. Additionally, planned gifts can also originate from retirement plans, trusts, or other investments, allowing for a diverse range of giving options. This approach not only benefits the church but can also provide tax advantages and other financial benefits to the donor, making it a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Join the Grace Episcopal Church Legacy Society

Making a planned gift to Grace Episcopal Church is a meaningful expression of faith and supports the church’s enduring mission in worship, fellowship, and outreach.


All planned giving contributors are welcomed into the Legacy Society, which acknowledges donors, fosters a culture of giving, and provides education on planned giving.


For more information on the Legacy Society and planned giving, refer to our brochure available from the Parish Office. Contact us at 703-549-1980 or by email for further details.