The Pastoral Care program at Grace Church seeks for all of us to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). We believe that our time, talents, and treasures can be used to reach out to parishioners and friends with needs and ease their concerns with our support and caring.
Need Prayer?
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please use our prayer request form to add that name to our prayer list.

Home Communion
Home Communion is available for parishioners who desire this service for delivery by Grace Church Eucharistic Visitors every Sunday. Home Communion will be in one form, Bread only. This important pastoral care ministry allows those who cannot attend church in person and who desire Communion to stay connected to the parish and to receive the sacrament.

Card Ministry
If you would like to reach out to fellow parishioners without leaving the comfort of your home, the Pastoral Care Program invites you to write one card a week to someone on our prayer list.
We supply a packet of note cards, postage and the recipient’s name, chosen by the clergy.

Flower Ministry
Flowers arranged by the Altar Guild from our altar flowers are taken each week to those who are hospitalized or homebound.
Volunteers make the deliveries on Monday or Tuesdays.

College & Military Care Ministry
Grace keeps in touch with parish college or boarding school students, as well as those serving in the military or abroad. Specially designed cards signed by many parishioners are sent out at Christmas, at Easter, and from the Shrine Mont retreat.

Community of Hope International
The mission of our Pastoral Care Ministry is to provide quality, timely, and professional spiritual and emotional support in an intimate and confidential environment, modeled on the life and ministry of Christ. Our clergy are assisted by COHI lay pastoral caregivers to provide parishioners with spiritual companionship and support. Our pastoral care ministry focuses on compassionate listening. Clergy, staff, and COHI caregivers create safe spaces for parishioners to express their joys, sorrows, doubts, and hopes. If this ministry interests you, please contact our clergy.

St. Francis Garden Pet Cemetery
Grace Episcopal Church not only has a place to bury its parishioners, but also has a lovely spot to bury parishioners’ pets. For the burial ceremony, the officiating priest offers prayers and blesses the ashes.
A memorial book listing the buried pets and their owners is in the church office. The St. Francis Guild maintains the St. Francis Garden.