From the Assistant Rector, Mother Emma 07.05.2024

Dear Friends in Christ,


As many of you know, I spent last week on a mission trip with some of our high school youth. I preached about the trip on Sunday (click here to view sermon), but as I’ve caught up on my sleep, my reflections continue to grow. In particular, I keep feeling awe-struck by how the youth cared for one another. They built a deep sense of community in a matter of days, and it is a beautiful example for us to follow.


Jesus rarely spent a prolonged period of time with anybody except his disciples. He traveled from town to town. He preached, he healed, and he moved on. There is an immediacy to Jesus’ ministry. When he called his disciples to follow him, Jesus did not say: “Finish up what you’re doing then when it is convenient follow me.” Jesus says, “Follow me.” And the disciples IMMEDIATELY dropped their nets and followed him (Matthew 4:19-20).


In the same way, our youth did not delay getting to know one another on mission trip. They set aside their cell phones and built friendships in a matter of days that they will remember for years to come. I admire their ability to be present in the moment and lean into the friendships they were building.


I wonder, therefore, how we as Grace Church might feel more connected if we all invested in one another the way our youth invested in their community while on mission trip. I wonder if we would feel more seen and accepted. I wonder if we would move to deeper conversation and friendship.


As we journey through summer together, God invites us to prioritize one another, to live in the present, to invest in friendships with one another. We all crave connection and acceptance. And maybe our high schoolers can teach us a thing or two about how to lean into loving our neighbors.


Yours in Christ,

Mother Emma+