Weekly Clergy Letter from Mother Anne Turner

Dear Friends in Christ,


Last Saturday, your vestry spent the day together.  They did some of the ordinary work of parish life, talking about our facilities and our budget.  But they also did more extraordinary work—the kind of work only possible when there is time for extended conversation, where there is space for the Holy Spirit to move.


We talked together about who Grace Church is and who the church might become:


  • We looked at scripture, talking about where Grace’s story is in the biblical story. Vestry members cited many different passages.  We spoke about the way God’s people struggle, and the way those struggles bring us closer to God, and the way we rebuild after loss.
  • We talked about our hopes for the year—desires to grow, to lead out of a sense of blessings, and to laugh.
  • We explored our values at Grace Church, naming (among others) mystery, acceptance, relationship, and celebration.
  • We began to map out our priorities for the year. Foremost on everyone’s mind was the desire to support and protect the immigrant members of our community.  The vestry felt an urgency to bring the church to the world right now.  And the group also named the necessary work of strengthening this institution: good stewardship and fundraising, as well as engaging all members in ministry and leadership.


The moment that summed up the day for me was when one vestry member expressed a desire that we be “dangerously brave.”  We looked at our identity next to the needs of the moment, and it became clear to all of us that bravery is necessary.  This vestry understands that they show leadership by taking risks for the sake of the gospel—as our Grace Church hymn puts it, “faith that risks and dares.”


I share this account of our day with you because I know that in the past year, the vestry had a high degree of trust given to them by the congregation.  They are worthy of that trust still.  I hope their conversation will inspire you as it inspires me.


Yours in Christ,
